My life, and the life of my family and friends, changed forever one day in March, 1996:  my son Christopher was murdered on that day.

ChristopherI am no stranger to grief. I have lost my mother, all four grandparents, three brothers, one sister and dear friends. But this was very different. You don’t ever practice for this kind of shock — losing your child.

Despite the shock, I knew intuitively and immediately that I wanted to live. I have daughters, a husband and a very close family. So I started looking very quickly for help with this horrible tragedy.

Over the years, I have tried many ways to “findRadha Stern comfort.” After a decade, I felt compelled to share my journey to help others dealing with grief. Although no two fingerprints of grief are identical, my hope is that my solace and this website will inspire you to keep looking.

— Radha Stern